
Frostpunk tech tree
Frostpunk tech tree

frostpunk tech tree

  • Scouting, while critical for timely discovery of other settlements, is de-emphasized relative to other scenarios in terms of resource retrieval.
  • Barring a major resource crisis (which you shouldn’t have if you follow this guide), you shouldn’t have to worry about it aside from avoiding constant broken promises.
  • Managing Hope/Discontent, while still technically necessary, is de-emphasized.
  • (This guide includes detailed discussion of tech utility and research order.) Unnecessary research saps wood and steel that will be sorely needed elsewhere.

    frostpunk tech tree

  • It is neither necessary nor desirable to research all, or even most of the tech tree.
  • The Administration building may only be built in the green inner ring.


    There is neither a Generator nor a generator build zone building housing and healthcare in concentric circles is not advised.

    frostpunk tech tree

    Major themes and differences between On the Edge and other Frostpunk scenarios: As with all Frostpunk scenarios, a good early game is the key to a good outcome overall, so this guide includes a high level of detail for the first ten days of the scenario and moves onto more general guidelines for the latter two-thirds or so of the game. In order to get the achievements for each fully upgraded settlement in On the Edge, all upgrades must be completed before the New London refugees arrive.

    Frostpunk tech tree